Monday, January 3, 2011

Reflections on 2010

This past year held a lot of big changes for the Sanders family.
We added our latest, cute member who in turn, made Tripp a big brother as well as making Will and I really wonder just what we ever did without kids.

We moved to Starkvegas.
And surprisingly, love it.

With a move comes a lot of new things in itself...
New job, new house, new friends
All of which have suited us very well!

We've put another year of schooling under our belt...
AND now that 2011 is upon us, Will is getting ready to complete his FINAL semester at Mississippi State!!
Wow! I can't believe it's here. 
The end is in sight.
There is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Will going back to school has been a huge lifestyle change and sacrifice on everyone's part.
We are lucky that we have a great family on both sides supporting us as well.
We live frugally in every essence of the word.
Our time is stretched so very thin to get work done, schoolwork, house work, family time, etc. 
We run off very little sleep and a lot of stress.
There are times I feel like a single parent when Will only has a few minutes between staying up all night to finish a project and then going straight to work from school.
I know he hates to miss out on time spent with these precious kids.
 we're almost done! 
We're almost there.

2010 was a great year and was certainly better than 2009-what a roller coaster year THAT one was although it ended well!
I ready to take on whatever 2011 has in store for us.
It WILL be great.
Because life will throw you some curve balls.
That is guaranteed.
But, its up to you to hit those curve balls out of the park! 

And that my friends, is what I intend to do!

Happy New Year Folks!
I hope it's a blessed one.

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