Friday, December 3, 2010

Barefeet and Turkeys

Yep, Thanksgiving was over a week ago.
But, all the pics I took were using my Dad's camera, so I didn't have them to post.
And WHAT is a Thanksgiving post without cute pictures of my lil' turkeys?

It was so warm that short sleeve tees and barefeet were donned for the day. We enjoyed some quality time and food with our extended family in and around Jackson, MS.

Lots of cuteness to follow...

 Talking about who knows what with Oma

 Just hangin' out
 Playing with rocks around the fireplace
Can you see his sweet baby curls??
Playing a game of  "Tag It" as Tripp says.

 Look at my ROCK!!
 Inspecting a fig leaf with Oma
The Burns' Family

And for whatever reason, we never took the camera out at MawMaw and PawPaw's house. So our Thanksgiving 2010 pictorial memories will just have to be skewed.

See why I have so much to be thankful for?
I am on Grateful Mama.